The TRD Voltage System in gateDB

The ''Voltage'' link in the left menu panel opens an interface that browses both the Low and High Voltage supply systems in gateDB:

Low Voltage (Wiener PSUs)

The TRD LV supply system is described in gateDB by four tables: pcu, psu, psu_bin and psu_chan. As the only table that can change, psu is backed up by a history psu_old table. Currently there are 96 Wieners in table psu, out of which 89 are mounted on the 89 bins in psu_bin and 7 spare Wieners are at various physical locations; table psu_chan contains the 210 output channels, each belonging to a particular bin in psu_bin table, with info on which TRD component gets low voltage from that channel.

High Voltage (ISEG PSUs)

The TRD HV supply system is described in gateDB by one table: psuhv. It contains information on the SM it supplies or the physical location it is at (when it does not supply power to a SM), the type of PSU, its current status, firmware, etc.

Last modified: Thu Apr 23 15:06:28 CEST 2009