The ''FEE tests'' link in the left menu panel opens an interface that browses the ori_test, mcm_test, and wafer_test tables of gate DB. These tables are copied from Venelin's former trap MySQL DB. Note that gateDB contains also a rob_test table which, for historical reasons, is accessible through the main ''gateDB'' link.
The ''ROC tests'' link in the left menu panel opens an interface that browses the 13 tables of gateDB storing results of the standard chamber testing procedure as described in the ''TRD chamber testing'' manual. There are six tables storing parameters (headers) and seven tables storing data for the following tests: gas leak, conditioning, gain uniformity, absolute gain, spectral and stability measurements. Plots are produced also (and stored on disk) at the time of data storage in the database. The interface displays the test results in both binary (gif image) and text formats.
Last modified: Mon Sep 29 12:27:50 CEST 2008