The Global Alice TRD Electronics DataBase (GATEDB) is a PostgreSQL database on the alice host at the Physikalisches Institut (Heidelberg) written by Thomas Dietel and others. Its tables are organized following the structure of the TRD itself (click on the "TRD" tab above for more information), hence it has tables for: supermodules (sm), read-out chambers (roc), read-out bords (rob), detector control system boards (dcs), optical read-out interfaces (ori, oricfg), multi-chip modules (mcm). Each of the above tables has a corresponding ''_old'' table (the history table) generated automatically by a PostgreSQL trigger which preserves a copy of that table records that are changed. Also, there are many ''_test'' tables with FEE and ROC test results (click on the 'tests' tab above for details). Recently, four new tables have been added to describe the TRD low voltage system: psu, psu_bin, psu_chan, pcu and one new table to describe the TRD high voltage system: psuhv(click on the 'voltage' tab above for details).
Last modified: Thu Apr 23 14:42:31 CEST 2009